Seems like I’m not the first to ponder the god question.
Here are a selection of the answers that I received:

– parallel universes

– no god

– god is not good as we see it

– god suffers also

– doesn’t actually matter

…and many more.

Each answer deserves its own post in itself but in all cases the giver accompanied their answer by explaining that they also find their own answer unsatisfying.

What also surprised me was the number of religious people who voiced their own doubts and also irreligious people who demonstrated their own philosophies which were actually bas d on the fundamental of there being a god.

I am very aware that a large part of my readership is religious Jews and the question struck me whether it is actually surprising how much we question fundamentals of our religion and especially in comparison with the other main religions.

Correct me if I’m wrong but my impression is that in both Christianity and Islam questioning the existence or the judgement of god would be a three strike crime.

But yet religious Jews are allowed if not encouraged to question. Surely this goes against Rambam’s 13 principles of faith?

If you believe with perfect faith then why question?

Did temple time Jews also question the existence and decisions of god?

Questioning why bad things happen to good people is one of those non-starter as pointed out by the guy who literally wrote the manual on it, Harold kuchner.

We don’t have an answer and there is no answer that fits our logical understanding. When science doesn’t have an answer we call it god and that really is the answer here also…

Why do bad things happen to good people? God.

As thinking adults we tend to overthink things and generally over complicate them. Often because we are covering up our own misunderstandings.

So here is my question for you and look forward to hearing your answer in the comments:

Both from a psychological perspective and a logical and theological perspective how would you explain in simple words to an 8 year old ‘believing’ kid why he got cancer?

0 Responses

  1. I have a problem with the ‘say shema and everything will be alright’ philosophy because when something happens that is clearly not alright then the child questions ” well is it something I have done wrong? Have I sinned ? Have I misbehaved ?” to cause this to happen. That is perhaps a danger of a self justified faith based belief system. Be honest with him, tell him you don’t know the answer, tell him you have the same questions as he does. The answers you give are not only for the here and now but will form The basis for his future spiritual and philosophical development too. Tell it like it is, be literal, don’t use euphemisms. His grasp of the basics will surprise you and acceptance of present events make you proud.

  2. Hi ben. I don’t think it is something you can explain rationally to him. We don’t even understand it ourselves 😕 I don’t think there is anything roi did, or you or his grandparents did that ’caused ‘ him to get cancer. Why he got cancer is inexplicable and a terrible burden for him to bear. I would be honest and tell him you just dont know why he has cancer but that you will always be there for him and fight together to make the bad days less bad and the good days better. It is also unchangeable as a fact that he will carry his cancer forward for the rest of his and your lives. It is a new part of him. We all have things about ourselves that we like and dislike. ..but how we deal with our positive parts and negative parts can make the joys and the burdens lighter or heavier. I would try to help the burden of the illness, its awful treatments and his suffering into how to cope on the bad days and how to make the most of any good moments. We are thinking and praying for him and sending so many get well hugs. Big big hugs naomi x

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